الاثنين، 30 مارس 2015

Symbols Used in Log InteSymbols Used in Log Interpretationrpretation

Rt    - Resistivity of the formation  in the virgin zone, ohm-m
Rxo  - Resistivity of the flushed zone, ohm-m
Rs   - Resistivity of the shoulder (adjacent) beds, ohm-m
R- Resistivity of the mud, ohm-m                                  Rmc - Resistivity of the mud cake, ohm-m
Rw   - Resistivity of 100%  formation water, ohm-m
Rmf  - Resistivity of 100%  mud filtrate      , ohm-m
Sxo  -Mud filtrate saturation in the flushed zone, %
Sw   - Water saturation in the virgin zone, fraction of pore volume in, %
dh   - Diameter of the hole, m                                                                di    - Diameter of the flushed zone, m
DRi    - Diameter of the flushed and transition zones together, m
h    -Height of the bed being logged , m                           hmc  - Thickness of the mud cake, m

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