الاثنين، 30 مارس 2015

Symbols Used in Log InteSymbols Used in Log Interpretationrpretation

Rt    - Resistivity of the formation  in the virgin zone, ohm-m
Rxo  - Resistivity of the flushed zone, ohm-m
Rs   - Resistivity of the shoulder (adjacent) beds, ohm-m
R- Resistivity of the mud, ohm-m                                  Rmc - Resistivity of the mud cake, ohm-m
Rw   - Resistivity of 100%  formation water, ohm-m
Rmf  - Resistivity of 100%  mud filtrate      , ohm-m
Sxo  -Mud filtrate saturation in the flushed zone, %
Sw   - Water saturation in the virgin zone, fraction of pore volume in, %
dh   - Diameter of the hole, m                                                                di    - Diameter of the flushed zone, m
DRi    - Diameter of the flushed and transition zones together, m
h    -Height of the bed being logged , m                           hmc  - Thickness of the mud cake, m



organic‐rich sediments                   
  Deposited under airless conditions 

Types of source rocks:
are classified from the types of kerogen that they contain
source rocks are formed from algal remains deposited under anoxic conditions in deep lakes: they tend to generate waxy crude oils when submitted to thermal stress during deep burial
Source rocks are formed from marine planktonic remains preserved under anoxic conditions in marine environments: they produce both oil and gas when thermally cracked
during deep burial.
Source rocks are formed from terrestrial plant material that has been decomposed by bacteria and fungi under oxic or sub‐oxic conditions: they tend to generate mostly gas with associated light oils when thermally cracked during deep burial. Most coals and coaly shales are generally Type 3 source rocks.
Example: Shale - Limestone